The New Bucks Uniforms are 1950s style

Sit on it, Antlerheads. In an attempt to bring back some Happy Days for the franchise, the Bucks have chosen to go retro all the way with their new uniforms -- back to the 1950s... heyyyyyy. (By the way, for regular readers of this blog, my earlier attempts to guess what the digs would look like -- not even ballpark. Sorry) .
Following the lead of the Denver Nuggets, the Bucks have brought back that silky shiny satin look this city hasn't seen since the Milwaukee Hawks took on the Rochester Royals at the old Milwaukee Arena; but it is a look that once dominated the NBA (when the Lakers played in the Twin Cities). Think early Bob Cousy or Tom Heinsohn in the '63 All-Star Game, or Sam Jones circa 1959, and you'll know what you have. Pretty cool I guess, especially the home uniforms. I like that look very much.
I do have one criticism, however. But its not specific to the Bucks new unis... its an Association-wide fashion beef. Its the shorts. When is someone going to have the cahones to modify that god awful Fab Five look? Its so tired; it needs to go. I'm not advocating a return to Stockton. I'm saying let's go back to early Jordan. Those shorts were baggy without being ridiculous. Those shorts were cool. The modern look plainly sucks. Its more like surf dude, not hoopster.
One more minor criticism: doesn't the green in the road uniform make Andrew Bogut look like Gerry Cooney?
That all said, the new unis are definitely an improvement. I'm curious to see which way public opinion sways on this issue in BucksNation.
However it goes, I know one thing for sure. The silly season is finally over. Its time for some hoops! Roll out the ball rack and let's get training camp underway.
The colors are better than thought.....seems to be a real red, rather than magenta....but I don't like the lettering. Would rather have "Milwaukee" The font looks like some sort of thing Herman Munster would come up with...sort of a halloween/Transylvania type thing. Not a fan of that....but the colors are good.
Me to on that Milwaukee, Press. And I don't like the font either. I prefer the traditional block lettering.
That whole red thing seems like a lot of nothing now. Red is clearly not the primary color on the uniforms as we were led to believe. Its traditional Bucks green.
What do you think about my taking issue with the gigantic shorts. Redd looks okay, but white guys just cannot pull off that look. Besides, I think the whole Fab Five shorts look has jumped the shark altogether.
I'm not a Bucks' fan, but these new uni's are just right. They combine enough old school feel with a more modern fit and styling.
And here's a vote in favor of the baggy shorts....
I agree with you on the baggy's gotten out of hand....but hey, that's the style so we go with it.
In any event, it's better than the purple....
Gerry Cooney, ha, good call on that one.
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