Yi signs with the Bucks -- what's Chinese for "finally"?
As predicted!!
Almost exactly a month after I pissed a lot of people off by saying his signing was imminent that day, Yi Jianlian finally... finally put his backwards name on the dotted line and signed with the Bucks.
So, water under the bridge, and all's forgotten, and all those other reconciliation cliches, right? To tell you the truth, I never really had any doubts that this would happen. In my mind, it was always just a matter of time. There really was no other sensible outcome than this one.
But for all you who were so worried, you can finally sleep at night. Yi mania has arrived in Beer Town!
And not a moment too soon. The Brewers are just painful to watch. Ugh. They're just kind of limping to the finish line... actually its way worse than that. Its sort of like watching that chick in the '84 Olympics who had a seizure when she was finishing the marathon.
Anyway, let's start to get into Bucks mode. I can't wait to get back to the Bradley. So with training camp coming up, look for regular postings starting about a week after Labor Day, with intermittent posts between then and now. Bucks ball!
Oh, btw, I saw Michael Redd being interviewed in conjunction with the USA Basketball coverage on ESPN. He looks really svelte. His face has thinned out, and he says he's been working with a trainer and a nutritionist. And he looks good on the floor.
I can't wait for Bucks season!
It's Zhong-Yu. I'm not quite sure about the spelling system. But anyway, that's what it sounds like.
From what I heard, the reason Yi and Bucks reached an agreement before September is because the Chinese league, CBA roster freeze deadline. If Yi wants to go back to CBA, his team need to put his name on the roster before Sep1, or he can't even play in CBA next season. I guess his mother team just want to cut a good deal out of it before it's too late.
Frank, ya got it right, the official romantization does away with any dashes, but other than that you got it.
And his name isn't backwards, you westerners are the ones who got your name backwards. :D
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