Bucks Diary

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bucks are embarrassing themselves in Texas

If you go on databasebasketball.com and randomly look at player's careers, you will find that most players finish their careers with about the same FG% they post in their first season of extended minutes. There are very few exceptions. If you are a 43% shooter in your first long minute season, you will most likely end your career as a 43% shooter, +/-2%... at most.

My point is: offensive ability, by and large, remains constant, both individually, and by extension, collectively. So if a team suddenly shoots much better from the field or produces a significantly higher amount of points per possession -- as the Bucks last two opponents have -- its not because they all became better shooters, its almost certainly because the defense gave them significantly better looks than they're used to getting.

And when, at the very same time, the defense under suspicion allows its opponent to score significantly more points per possession than that defense has allowed to the rest of the teams on its schedule... well, that clinches the case. They dogged it. And that has happened twice on the Bucks' Texas road trip.

Two games, two piss poor efforts.

Is it too much to ask the Bucks to put out a consistent professional effort? These inconsistent efforts have been occuring now for the last three years. And the terrible Terrys are long gone. Is it time to rethink whether some of the core members of this team are "good enough"? Or am I just being a typical reactionary fan?


At November 12, 2007 at 2:06 AM, Blogger The Bandit said...

You're being reactionary and that ok, that's normal. Just remember, we have a new team now. ALL NEW. We're turning Redd into a defender - something which he is not. We're turning Mo into a point guard - something which he is not. We're asking Bogut to play defense - something which he doesn't do. We're getting ourselves a Bobby Simmons - something which we haven't had in a year. We've got ourselves a big Yi - possibly a superstar in the making. And of course we've got ourselves a new coach, one with a different philosophy, completely different.

Don't cast judgement on anyone in this team until March/April when we can see what Coach K's plans are for each and every one of our Bucks. By that time, everyone's roles will be set and we'll be in a better position to judge who is working and who isn't.

At November 12, 2007 at 9:32 AM, Blogger Ty Will said...

Those are some TREMENDOUS comments, and much needed on this end.

When deadspin called this "The Diary of a Mad Bucks Fan" I was a little miffed. But most of the time its true.

I think its partially because I was spoiled watching the Bucks in the 80s. They fielded 3 separate, high executing championship contending rosters(the Marques Johnson Lanier roster, the Terry Cummings 3 headed monster roster, and the Sikma "whiteboy" roster), but since then they have only fielded one.

Sometimes I just need to check myself.


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