Bucks Diary

Monday, March 03, 2008

Comparative value of an NBA draft choice

You ever wonder why the Packers seem to be able to get quality players way down the first round of the NFL draft, whereas the Bucks seem to always get marginal players near the top of the NBA draft? Well, most of it is superior executive leadership, but a lot of it also has to do with the much more rapidly diminishing value of draft slots in the NBA draft.

Here's a cool "conversion" chart posted by the WoW Journal that gives a numerical value to that phenomenon.

That conversion seems about right, doesn't it? It also points up the high stakes involved in the NBA lottery. Put into NFL terms, a bad NBA lottery can effectively slide a team from the top of the first round right down into the NFL equivalent of the second round.

That's going from Adrian Peterson to Brandan Jackson. Whew, that's a slide, baby.


At March 4, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Blogger dsparks said...

You may also be interested in a more graphical analysis found here:

At March 5, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Blogger laserbomb said...

Just noticed Ray Allen is right above Sid Moncrief on their chart of all the picks. Crazy, wouldn't have expected that. Maybe partly because current players haven't played out their decline yet? But then I look across and Sid's on par with Ben Gordon to the left and Antoine Walker to the right, what's up with that?


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