Bucks Diary

Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh, btw Antlerheads, the Force is not with Luke

Someone had a hopeful comment about Luke Ridnour yesterday (leave your names so I can give you proper credit!!). I wish, but not really. Go to my last post and click on the Seattle Win Profile. I think I have Skywalker adding about 1.6 wins to last seasons Sonics. Which was way under what he should have done for his amount of playing time.

Now granted Mo Williams was no great shakes, but Luke... he needs more training, his training is not complete! Okay, thats my last lame ass Star Wars reference I swear. I don't think I've done any analysis yet on Adrian Griffin, but I can pretty much guarantee he aint Adrain Dantley either. Which is why, two posts ago, I pretty much panned the Mo Williams trade as a lame effort.